
Ohio Looks to Erase CBD Gray Area

By Editorial Team

December 13, 2023

Ohio has experienced a gray area regarding CBD ever since the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill. Many residents are left wondering what they can legally purchase and possess. Retailers are also on the fence about what is and is not permissible. One lawmaker has taken it upon himself to erase that gray area to make clear, concise legislation.

The Latest Push
Sen. Steve Huffman is working on a bill to ensure that businesses that sell CBD products only make them available to adult customers over 21. He also wants to make stricter rules for manufacturers who take traditional CBD and alter it to make it stronger, providing more potent effects. Sen. Huffman pointed out this is a gray area since the Farm Bill didn’t address this issue directly.
The problem with altered CBD products is they can cause strong psychoactive effects, which can make people high. It is in opposition to untouched CBD, which doesn’t contain THC and other compounds that can lead to getting high.

The Governor Steps In
Other politicians are concerned about the effects of these altered products, including Ohio Gov. DeWine. According to the Dayton Daily News, Gov. DeWine worked with the Senate to pass an Issue 2 reform bill.” Under it, the law would remove the vast majority of hemp-derived cannabinoid products. However, the state House has not taken the issue up yet.
The governor has also requested that the General Assembly enact a law that only allows adults over 21 to access products. He wants to crack down on manufacturers who appeal to minors through packaging and advertising. Gov. DeWine is also concerned about how many processors convert these products into intoxicating items.

The Hemp Industry Responds
While the House has not considered the legislation, the hemp industry has stepped up and inserted itself into the debate. They disagree that fewer people should be able to access CBD. Instead, advocates believe more customers should embrace these products.
However, Sen. Huffman said the bill intends to keep vendors in business while keeping the industry safe for everyone. For the most part, industry insiders agree and want the same. Many think that legislation is long overdue. 

Embrace CBD
Once you’re ready to embrace CBD, there is no better place than Hemps Company. Our products contain the finest ingredients to give you an exceptional experience. Customers love our tasty, fruity gummies that are perfect at home or on the go. Embrace CBD – embrace Hemps!