FDA Stepping Up to Increase CBD Research
By Editorial Team
July 12, 2021
FDA Stepping Up to Increase CBD Research
CBD has been a hot topic for the past few years, with many people boasting about its benefits. On the other hand, some folks have been on the fence about it. Cannabidiol, better known as CBD, has become one of the most ubiquitous products anywhere, yet we still know so little about it. However, the FDA has decided to step in and undertake more research to learn more about CBD’s safety and effectiveness.
The Need for More Research
CBD comes from the hemp plant, which the federal government legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill. Since that time, the regulatory agency has dragged its feet on providing more info and guidance. Top commissioners have realized that there’s a growing interest in these products. Due to this, they have decided it benefits everybody to do the needed research. According to Marijuana Moment, the FDA wrote in a letter, “The FDA is uniquely situated to contribute its expertise in evaluating data from different sources to inform regulatory decision-making.”
New, Improved Goals
To further its goals, the FDA plans to improve current data collection methods to increase its understanding. The agency wants to examine market research data, evaluate findings, and learn more about adverse effects. Additionally, the FDA looks to enhance product identification and gather more info on people who use CBD.
Filling in the Gaps
The FDA strives to fill in the current gaps in CBD research by using “high-quality data analyzed using robust methods.” The agency also wrote they wanted to use the new, improved data “to provide incremental improvements in our scientific understanding of the safety profile of CBD in the general population and, potentially, in specific populations.”
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