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Explaining Your CBD Choice to Family and Friends

By Editorial Team

July 23, 2019

The Power Of Hemp Seeds

Since CBD is still relatively new, many people don’t quite understand what it is and what it does. Many times, if you tell a family member or a friend that you’re taking it, they’re going to question you since they know very little about the product. If you find yourself in that situation, what should you tell your family friends to inform them? How do you put them at ease about your decision to choose CBD?

CBD Doesn’t Get You High

Contrary to popular belief, CBD contains a minuscule amount of THC, less than 0.3%. THC is the psychoactive component of marijuana that makes people high, so many people assume CBD makes you high. When you talk to friends and family, that’s the main point that you should stress – CBD will not make you high. That’s not why people choose CBD.

CBD Isn't Illegal

This is an important one – CBD isn’t illegal. Yes, that’s true. You can purchase CBD legally in any state in the country without any repercussions. The 2018 Farm Bill made CBD legal all over the country, so tell your friends and family!

CBD Used for Variety of Purposes

Now that your loved ones know what CBD isn’t used for, they’ll more than likely want to why you take it. You can give them the myriad of reasons why CBD is one of the most popular supplements around. Let them know all the different products you can purchase, what they do, how to use them, etc. The more you educate them, the more likely they are to give CBD a chance. After you give your friends and family all the facts on CBD, there’s a good chance they’ll want to check things out for themselves. For some quality CBD, direct them over to Hemps Company for everything they need at unbeatable prices.